Every Moment is a Memory

From the Artist:
The metallurgy work of the Andean culture has always caught my attention, the people who dedicated themselves to this trade were called Qolqetaka, It means the one who hits white metal or silver. Nowadays they are called silversmiths, gold and silver were to create symbolic representations about gods, ceremonial objects, etc. Under that idea I imagine the goldsmith creator as a shaman creating these objects and filling them with the spirit they represent. The painting represents the Platero or Qolqetaka in the state of creation, where his body is abstractly represented in the lower center as an orange 'T', one arm shorter than the other to give the sensation of movement, but the head detached from the body, represented with the upper ovoid -- the idea is that at the moment of creation the head is disconnected from the body and connected with its higher self with the spiritual world, inside the head represents various symbols that are used in goldsmithing such as the Andean cross, the snake, the river, the water. The yellow color symbolizes the lighting at the time of the Platero's creation, expressing the painting in a symbolic abstraction.

Portrait of the artist
Aldo Carhuancho Herrera, c.2010
Aldo Carhuancho Herrera was born in Ayacucho in 1978, grew up in many places between the highlands and the coast of northern Peru. In Cajamarca he discovered his love for art, and in 1998 enrolled the School of Fine Arts of Peru in Lima (Escuela Nacional Superior Autónoma de Bellas Artes del Perú (ENSABAP). He graduated in 2004, and participated in exhibitions within Peru and abroad. Many of his works use bold colors and symbols based on the native Quechua language and culture.
"Platero", 2008
Aldo Carhuancho Herrera (Peruvian, 1978−)
Oil on canvas
121 x 76 cm
Lower right
RHA I.D.#:
Available for lending to
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